Ameya - Shamanic Energy Work
- by Sabine
Which story do you live?
According to shamanic tradition everything is power and energy. Together we take a snap-shot and work on the energetic plane for you to come into right relationship with what is happening in your life at the moment. This work hightens your awareness and gives you strength for a new direction.
You get to know the landscape of your soul and design it the way your want it to be.
Everyone is the master of her own happiness. Old wisdom often carries much truth. What moves me currently, what shows up, what is ready to go, what wants to come into our life. This builds our happiness, allows us to grow, is our path. Step by step.
Questions, fears, illness, low energy level, unclarity, searching for some sense in your life. This is not solved with a fingers snip. But you can take your happiness into your own hands and the path beneath your feet. By taking steps. One by one.
It is not YOU who tells your soul what to love - but your soul will tell YOU what to love. (George Parker)
Shamanic Energy Work
Re-connecting to and re-creating the landscape of your soul.
Living the life you are meant to live. Don’t wait any longer.
Here you are at my page - and so it’s time to step into your power. Be courageous.
SHAMANISM is the most ancient spiritual and healing practice on our planet, its origins reach back 50 000 years. You can find it in all cultures on this earth and its core techniques are nearly the same everywhere.
Connecting with everything that is. Walking between the worlds. There are powerful tools available. Without being strange and overwhelming. You will wonder how soft and simple - and yet so deep - that work can be.
The Laika Shamans of Peru perceive the physical body of a person as a luminous energy field that contains imprints of her emotional, physical and spiritual traumas. This luminous field is a blueprint which determins how we will heal, live and possibly die. The task of the Shaman is to establish balance in this luminous field. This is done by using core shamanic techniques as harmonizing, cord cutting, cleansing (removing), soul retrieval (adding), finding resources (i.e. power animals), the illumination process and integration of the work into everyday life. It is about health and wellbeing, strengthening the core of our being so that we can consciously create our further personal development.
This way we have the choice to live our life according to our potential.
INFORMATION for all sessions
We follow the flow of the work there is no need to hurry. To begin with a series of 3 sessions is recommended as experience shows. This also depends on how you feel with what is coming up during and after the session. Often issues are interconnected, get solved together in one go or get activated by the work and resulting change in the energyfield. You will see.
All sessions can be done in person or long distance via Zoom.
You will get further informations when booking.
Initial session: About 1.5 hours, we get to know each other, the work and your issue.
Follow-up sessions: We take about 1 hour time.
130 USD per session.
Via PayPal.
You will get further informations when booking.
Please note my cancellation policy: If a session is cancelled by the client less than 24 hours before the date there will be no refunding.
Contact me via email:
Disclaimer: This work does not replace medical doctor or (psychological) therapist. But it can be an excellent support to all such methods.
About me
I have started consciously walking my spiritual path in 2004 when finding the 5-Rhythms dance practice, doing a training in shamanic energy work (Four Winds Society)
followed by ignitions to Reiki energy (Holy Fire III, William Lee Rand).
Long before that I had Aura Soma, Oracle Cards, self help books, mediation and Yoga in my life as everyday companions.
Finding myself in my midthirties in a dead end road in regards to my life - or a "dark night of the soul" as the shamans call it - I was found by shamanism and dance and then Reiki. And given a new direction on my live path by them. A gift I will always be thankful for. As it also opened up for me a new universe of tribes, connections, friends, places, workshops, opportunities to grow and living a life beyond my wildest dreams. And I know there is much more to come.
Yes, I am still challenged to do my personal work, there are still issues to solve for me. Every day again and again. This is life. But now I know the landscape of my soul much better. I am having a much better idea about my life path. Its ups and downs, questions, blind spots. And about the allies on my journey along. The seen and unseen ones.
Isn't life beautiful?
Yours Sabine
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